Liberté Info:
November 17, 2011, 9:30AM (Zurich time): Liberté-info Exclusive: Rudolf Elmer's intended plea at the High Court of Zurich (in German). (There might be changes with the actual plea he gave at the court.) It is a short version of the statement that we published this morning (see below).
And then this:
"It is worth mentioning the fact that no Swiss investigation or prosecution has taken place whatsoever against the alleged tax evaders Rudolf Elmer exposed, nor against Bank Julius Baer, which according to Elmer was providing active services in order to "help" tax evaders."
Here is a very short excerpt from Elmer's statement, which has some formatting problems and has been cleaned up by TJN here.
I used to work for the Bär Group in Zurich, Cayman, New York, London and Guernsey. I recognized the big picture and the importance of the Cayman office for the whole Bär Group. The business practices of this unit left me more and more insecure, both as a banker and as an auditor, especially after I took over a leadership role as the Chief Operating Officer in 1999. I had to execute and tolerate transactions that were frowned upon in the headuqarters in Zurich during my time there.
read on. The attachments he mentions are
here, and note other details such as from the Attorney-General's office, stating:
"we herewith inform you that after careful consideration we decided not to follow up on it."
Caution: several Swiss news reports, such as from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung which is significantly 'captured' by the Swiss banking industry, are thoroughly biased against Elmer.
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