Tax justice breaking out in Latin America

First, there is this news: "Brazil launches 'end of tax havens campaign 2012.' It's in Portuguese, but the translation goes:
Today, on May 16th, Brazil officially launches the campaign "end of tax havens 2012' campaign. MOre than 50 organisations around the world are coming together, for the second time, to demand that the leaders of the G2- adopt effective measures to put and end to absolute secreccy in tax matters. The campaign also demands that companies declare their real profits that they earn, principally in developing countries, stop using artificial structures to cut their tax bills, and pay their taxes properly.A rough web translation is here. See more here on the website of INESC, which is a major player in Brazil in tax justice matters.
Second, and magnificently, we are delighted to see a new website for the Tax Justice Network for Latin America and the Caribbean, or Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe. Packed with news, views, research and more, it promises to be a fantastic resource for those interested in the region.
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