Illicit flows: we finally reveal the official data

This book - it's a rather nicely bound, 100-page document, was put together by the Brussels-based non-governmental organisation Eurodad. Click on it to enlarge - and look at the title.
Global Development Finance: Illicit Flows Report, 2009
This book is designed to collect together all the available official estimates of illicit flows around the world: from the IMF, the World Bank, and so on. In our last blog, we said we'd reveal what is in the book in due course.
Well, the time has come to reveal what these august international institutions have produced on this staggeringly important subject. Here it is
(cue drumroll . . . ).

Get it? (If you don't get it - then go out and see if you can find the estimates produced by the IMF, World Bank and so on.)

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