Violent demonstrators: "We are not UK Uncut"
There have been many stories in the press over the past 24 hours suggesting some sort of link between the excellent UK Uncut and the violent actions in London on Saturday 26th March. Here is our take on what we saw during the course of that afternoon, which we attended.
TJN took part in the TUC march, which was a great success. The top photograph conveys a sense of the glorious carnival of colour, music and general good-naturedness of this major event.
In mid-afternoon (14h00) we went to Oxford Street to witness events in and around that street. We saw several stores closed down by UK Uncut activists, or which had simply closed in anticipation of UK Uncut actions. All peaceful and good-humoured. This picture we took outside Dorothy Perkins reflects what we witnessed, which, BTW, is consistent with the article filed by The Independent newspaper about what they saw at Fortnum & Mason on Piccadilly:
"While groups such as Black Bloc were smashing windows on Oxford Street, UK Uncut members were reading books in groups on the floor and tucking into home-made sandwiches."
However, when we reached TopShop at Oxford Circus a quite different atmosphere was evident. The store front had been damaged and many police has been splattered with paint. Nothing too bad, but not consistent with what was happening elsewhere under the UK Uncut banner.
It was clear, to us at least, that infiltrators were piggy-backing off peaceful events organised by UK Uncut, and were intent on very different kinds of actions. Worse, after speaking with this character below (dressed as the hero of the dystopian thriller film V for Vendetta), who told us direct that "tax is theft" and he supported Philip Green's tax avoidance, at least some of the people present at Oxford Circus were radically opposed to UK Uncut, instead pushing a libertarian position from the right: anti-tax, anti-state, and supportive of tax cheats. While clearly in a minority, we were left with a strong impression that attempts were being made to provoke people in the crowd.
The situation was clearly very messy and deteriorating, so we left.
P.S. Verso have published this interesting blog by Dan Hind, author of The Return of The Public. Police acting as agent provocateurs? In Britain? Surely not! Sadly we have witnessed exactly this type of thing at other events - including the UK Uncut events at TopShop on Oxford Street on 18th December 2010 - so we find Dan's blog plausible. Do watch the BBC footage he links up to.

This is one guy who is a libertarian called Old Holborn who enjoys winding up the Left - best completely ignored - here is him - - I would be vastly shocked if he had more than two buddies there, much less a large crowd. Those outside not associating with UKUncut were likely anarchists of a communist bent, filtering in an out of the black bloc.
Actually you dont say what time you left but I think from what you say it was before 3PM. When we got to Oxford Circus the whole crossroads was in the hands of the demonstrators and while the police were in front of Topshop everything was quite peaceful. In fact I saw tourists having their picture taken as they stood beside the bemused riot police. By then there were drums, dancing and shoppers all co-mingled and wonderfully no traffic. In fact it seemed like a large street party. Lots of shops were still open and acting normally. I thought the police policy of standing back was admirable. So different from how they behaved at the G20. Even when a bonfire got lit when they set fire to the fabric Horse in the crossroads the feeling was calm exhilaration.
We left at around 5.30pm and strolled down to Bond St had a meal and then walked back up to see bonfire still burning and same easy going feeling. In fact despite walking from there down to Piccadilly where a group of Italians were singing revolutionary songs and onto Trafalgar Square we managed to somehow miss all the violence so widely featured on the news.
Can you please tell us what action you are taking in regard to the Guardian Media Group who avoid paying substantial tax on offshore investments in the Cayman Islands, including any journalism or other research you have conducted into the matter?
Given your credentials as an international and politically non-aligned organisation, committed to transparency and disclosure, I look forward to reading your response to this request for information.
Many thanks.
This looks like the blogger oldholborn dot net.
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