Dave Hartnett: Time to Resign

Hartnett has been behind a whole host of dodgy tax deals in the past few years, including the deal struck with Vodafone, which has cost the British public billions of pounds in lost revenue.
He also struck the 'sweetheart' deal with Goldman Sachs, which lost the British public millions upon millions of interest due on tax back payments.
Even more damningly, Hartnett is deeply complicit in the toxic agreement between the UK and Switzerland, which will allow thousands of criminals off the hook for tax evasion crimes and risks scuppering decades of attempts to crack down on secrecy and tax evasion. We will be publishing a major report on this tomorrow, revealing how the deal will fail to raise even a fraction of the revenue that has been promised.
The British public simply cannot afford such incompetence. Instead of some wimp who caves into special interests over private suppers, the public deserve a champion who can strike the best deal on their behalf. UK Uncut are right to call for his resignation.

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