Links Feb 28
Newsletter of Tax Justice Network - Latin America and Caribbean (In Spanish)
January 2012 edition. The home site for Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe can be accessed here.
Banks under seige swissinfo
Feb 10 - "Secrecy and profits take a beating from all sides." The report features TJN Director John Christensen.
Member states should demand more transparency not less Eurodad
Feb 22 - "EU Trade Ministers missed the opportunity to tackle tax dodging and corruption at EU’s Competitiveness Council on 20 February."
Tax Havens: The Netherlands, 20,000 mailbox companies, Facebook, Google and Bono FInFacts
Feb 27 - "The Netherlands competes with Ireland in offering corporate tax haven facilities." Hat tip: Offshore Watch.
UK: Barclays £500m tax loophole closed by Treasury in rare retrospective action Guardian
Feb 28 - "Legislation rushed through to close down two 'aggressive' tax avoidance schemes that high-street bank disclosed to HMRC".
See also:
Barclays tax could fund proper jobs for exploited youth Tax Research UK
Feb 28 - "The £500 million in avoided tax that Barclays will now have to pay could fund full-time jobs above the living wage for all the young people who have been working for free under a controversial government scheme".
Belgian development aid placed in tax havens rtbf (In French)
Feb 28 - "The Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO SA), in which the Belgian state owns a 84%, has placed more than 150 million euros in investment funds located in the Bahamas, Guernsey and other tax havens." Hat tip: Mathilde Dupré.
January 2012 edition. The home site for Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe can be accessed here.
Banks under seige swissinfo
Feb 10 - "Secrecy and profits take a beating from all sides." The report features TJN Director John Christensen.
Member states should demand more transparency not less Eurodad
Feb 22 - "EU Trade Ministers missed the opportunity to tackle tax dodging and corruption at EU’s Competitiveness Council on 20 February."
Tax Havens: The Netherlands, 20,000 mailbox companies, Facebook, Google and Bono FInFacts
Feb 27 - "The Netherlands competes with Ireland in offering corporate tax haven facilities." Hat tip: Offshore Watch.
UK: Barclays £500m tax loophole closed by Treasury in rare retrospective action Guardian
Feb 28 - "Legislation rushed through to close down two 'aggressive' tax avoidance schemes that high-street bank disclosed to HMRC".
See also:
Barclays tax could fund proper jobs for exploited youth Tax Research UK
Feb 28 - "The £500 million in avoided tax that Barclays will now have to pay could fund full-time jobs above the living wage for all the young people who have been working for free under a controversial government scheme".
Belgian development aid placed in tax havens rtbf (In French)
Feb 28 - "The Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO SA), in which the Belgian state owns a 84%, has placed more than 150 million euros in investment funds located in the Bahamas, Guernsey and other tax havens." Hat tip: Mathilde Dupré.

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