The Role of Tax Havens in Illegal Logging
Guest blogger Koos de Bruijn of TJN Netherlands and a member of TJN's Global Board explores the links between tax havens and illegal logging.
interesting new episode has been added to the series by the Financieele Dagblad
(Financial Daily) about the Netherlands' role as a Treaty Haven. We’ve blogged about
this issue before.
This current episode deals with the Dutch link in the
illegal logging activities of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), a leading paper producer in
Indonesia. APP is the joint brand name of a number of pulp and paper companies
in Indonesia and China, all belonging to the Sinar Mas Group of the Indonesian
Widjaja family. The company has been accused by several organisations, including Greenpeace, of large scale illegal logging in the Indonesian rainforest.
During the last five years APP has been expanding its activities to Europe, Northern
America, Asia and Australia.The Dutch
link uncovered by research institute Profundo reveals that APP avoids taxes by using Dutch holding and
financing companies. The report documents the tax dodging structure and
highlights a number of irregularities, which might involve legal offences.
Based on
the report Greenpeace has put pressure on ANT, the trust-office that hosts the
activities for APP. According to Greenpeace the financing of APP-factories is
organised through the financial holding company based in Amsterdam. Greenpeace
wrote two letters to the Dutch National Bank (DNB),
the supervisor of the trust-sector, in which it stated that several
irregularities have been noted. Double Taxation Treaties (DTT’s) between the
Netherlands and Canada, Malaysia and Indonesia might have been abused. Also the
‘friendly’ loans from the Chinese International Ningbo Bank to Paper Excellence
would not be in line with the financial supervision rules in China and the Netherlands,
since only an interest rate of 0.01% is being charged.
DNB has replied that they will take account of these
irregularities in their supervisory activities. Meanwhile ANT denies the
acquisitions. However, an Indonesian
delegation of ANT has addressed the issue of illegal logging to the management
of APP. APP announced they will cease logging trees in the rain forest.
is not impressed by this promise: in 2006 APP made exactly the same promise in
an advert in the New York Times.
interesting lesson of this case from a tax justice perspective is that there
are potential cases everywhere. Profundo and Greenpeace have hopefully created an
interesting trend.
Endnote: The
authors of the FD-serie, Siem Eikelenboom and Gaby de Groot, have been awarded the
Dutch Citi Journalistic Excellence Award for their series on Tax Route the
Netherlands (Belastingroute Nederland).

Hello Koos, thanks for the comments. Two remarks, you write: "DNB has replied that they will take account of these irregularities in their supervisory activities" and . "Meanwhile ANT denies the acquisitions."
DNB has actually given a very vague response, they have given no insight into whether they also think there are irregularities. And ANT has not denied the acquisitions, but they are still in denial about the accusation that they are involved in irregularities. ANT Trust is clearly in need of a bit more pressure, before they will understand that facilitating the expansion of the most notorious deforester of Asia is a bad idea!
Cheers, kees kodde, Greenpeace
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