A Prem Sikka special: UK Banking, the Big 4, and conferences.
From Prem Sikka, TJN Senior Adviser, via email:
I have a brief commentary on an Australian website on the UK banking legislation currently going through parliament. It argues that the changes won't curb reckless risk-taking. The title is "UK banking reform bill won’t curb reckless risk-taking" and is available here.
You would also enjoy the recent grilling of the partners of the Big Four accountancy firms for crafting tax avoidance schemes. The 2.5 hour public grilling is by the UK House of Common Public Accounts Committee. The recording is available here.
Also read "The Pin Stripe Mafia: How Accountancy Firms Destroy Societies."
Please consider attending and submitting papers for the following conferences
2013 TJN/AABA conference to be held in London on 4-5 July 2013. See here.
Critical Accounting stream at the Critical Management Studies to be held at Manchester (UK) on 10-12 July 2013. Details here.All extremely useful resources.

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