World Forum Declaration on Tax Justice, Tunis, March 2013
The prevailing international tax
rules and practices are more and more undermining the ability of governments in
the Global South and the North to compel corporations and wealthy individuals
to pay their fair share of taxes. Multinationals and wealthy individuals
continue to dodge taxes with impunity, while tax competition has led to
reduced tax burdens on corporations and financial wealth. As a result ordinary people carry a
disproportionately heavy burden of taxes and social services lack adequate
resources to meet the needs of citizens. The public are made to pay for a
crisis they are not responsible for. The implementation of austerity measures
which aggravate poverty and inequality everywhere make the need for tax justice
as urgent as ever.
Social and economic justice now
and future sustainability are possible only:
· when tax
dodging by multinationals and wealthy individuals is stopped;
· when race
to the bottom tax competition between countries is ended and replaced by
multilateral tax cooperation;
· when governments
raise revenue through redistributive and progressive taxation and are held
accountable for the provision of quality social services to their citizens.
Continuing the tradition of the
World Social Forum which, at the WSF in Port Alegre in 2002, issued a
“Universal Declaration on the right to tax justice as a component part of
social justice”, we demand the following to promote tax justice across the
whole world:
a) country by country reporting
by multinationals;
b) automatic information exchange
between jurisdictions;
c) public registers of beneficial
d) redistributive and progressive
domestic tax policies;
e) alternatives to transfer
pricing rules by the OECD which serve all countries;
f) an end to tax haven secrecy – the major facilitator of tax dodging;
g) rigorous regulation of the
finance sector including the imposition of a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT);
h) legitimate international
governance to facilitate multilateral cooperation in tax matters.
To promote the tax justice agenda
we commit ourselves:
a) To continue
and strengthen our advocacy and campaign to influence decision makers to
implement policies to achieve tax justice. We are encouraged by initial successes
in this regard, such as the recent decision of the French Parliament (and further
endorsed by the European Parliament) to enforce country by country reporting by
French and European banks; the introduction of a Financial Transaction Tax as a
result of global campaign in 11 European countries; the successful campaign of French
activists to get 18 out of 22 departments to declare their territories tax
haven free and similar campaigns for tax haven free cities in the Nordic
b) To enhance our efforts to mobilise citizens and
create strong social movements locally and globally to force governments and
multinationals to end tax dodging and implement
policies to achieve tax justice. The evidence based campaigns to expose the
pillage of developing countries by multinationals in individual countries (such
a the campaign of Zambian citizens
against Glencore); the successful campaign for “Justicia Fiscal” in the Dominical
Republic for an increase in education budget raised by fair tax, are inspiring
achievements on which we build our future work.
The new Global Alliance for Tax Justice
can serve as a platform to coordinate and create global synergy for
advocacy and campaigns and
citizen mobilisation for tax justice.
1. Global Alliance for Tax Justice
2. ActionAid International
3. Oxfam International
4. Public Services International
5. Christian Aid UK/RI
6. Tax Justice Network-Africa
7. Eurodad
8. War on Want
10. CCFD -Terre Solidaire
12. UBUNTU - World Forum of Civil Society Networks
13. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) Great Britain
14. Europeans for Financial Reform Coalition
15. Secours Catholique - Caritas France
16. Attac Norway
17. Global Policy Forum
18. ETUC: European Trade Union Confederation
19. European Citizens’ Initiative “Water is a human right!”
20. Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD)
21. Tax Justice Network
22. Tax Research UK
23. CNCD - 11.11.11, Centre national de coopération au développement (Belguim)
24. ATTAC Spain

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