Links Oct 24
Learn how to use the ICIJ Offshore Leaks database
Newly released video tutorial.
U.S.: Congress moves to stamp out money laundering, tax dodging and corruption Global Witness
Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man have signed UK tax deals but the abuse goes on – and so does the campaign against them Tax Research UK
Liechtenstein Eyes Tax Amnesty In 2014 Tax-News
Tax haven tries to get its own taxpayers to regularise their hitherto undeclared and untaxed assets and income.
Former UBS banker accepts to face US court swissinfo
Denmark: Offshore accounts are “immoral”: tax minister The Copenhagen Post
Tax Evasion: Belgium Encourages It! La Libre (In French)
President of Belgian financial intelligence unit criticises lack of political will to curb money laundering and tax fraud.
Big companies push back against G20 tax avoidance plan Reuters
For information on directors' duties to avoid tax, see here and here.
U.S.: Think Tank’s Tax Plan: Heartburn for the Wealthy? The Wall Street Journal
UK: "Dangerous" offshore inheritance tax solution hits mainstream Investors Chronicle
Hat tip: Offshore Watch
JPMorgan Poised to Save $4bn in Tax Write-Offs on Mortgage Probe Settlement International Business Times
Tuesday Tax Tradeoff: Nutritious Meals for Seniors OR Subsidizing Corporate Wrongdoers Americans for Tax Fairness
Newly released video tutorial.
U.S.: Congress moves to stamp out money laundering, tax dodging and corruption Global Witness
Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man have signed UK tax deals but the abuse goes on – and so does the campaign against them Tax Research UK
Liechtenstein Eyes Tax Amnesty In 2014 Tax-News
Tax haven tries to get its own taxpayers to regularise their hitherto undeclared and untaxed assets and income.
Former UBS banker accepts to face US court swissinfo
Denmark: Offshore accounts are “immoral”: tax minister The Copenhagen Post
Tax Evasion: Belgium Encourages It! La Libre (In French)
President of Belgian financial intelligence unit criticises lack of political will to curb money laundering and tax fraud.
Big companies push back against G20 tax avoidance plan Reuters
For information on directors' duties to avoid tax, see here and here.
U.S.: Think Tank’s Tax Plan: Heartburn for the Wealthy? The Wall Street Journal
UK: "Dangerous" offshore inheritance tax solution hits mainstream Investors Chronicle
Hat tip: Offshore Watch
JPMorgan Poised to Save $4bn in Tax Write-Offs on Mortgage Probe Settlement International Business Times
Tuesday Tax Tradeoff: Nutritious Meals for Seniors OR Subsidizing Corporate Wrongdoers Americans for Tax Fairness

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