Tax abuses and human rights: making the links
From David Quentin's tax & law blog:
To be honest, his whole blog is one to watch.
Update 2014: for more information on tax justice and human rights, see here.
"The possibility of strong and coherent linkages between tax justice and human rights is starting to emerge. The International Bar Association has recently published an important report on the subject, there was a conference about it in Johannesburg last week (at which I was a speaker), and John Christensen’s message at yesterday’s "Tax Justice - are you serious?" event was emphatically that an important next step for tax justice campaigners is to forge links with the human rights community."Now read on. We will be saying a lot more about this large subject quite soon.
It seems to me that a rights-based analysis of tax abuse brings dangers as well as opportunities. . . . "
To be honest, his whole blog is one to watch.
Update 2014: for more information on tax justice and human rights, see here.

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