Netherlands seminar: Helping developing countries raise tax revenues

From Tax Justice Netherlands:
"We have the pleasure to invite you to the seminar 'Supporting developing countries' ability to raise tax revenues' to be held on 2 December 2009 at Het Mozeshuis, Waterlooplein 205, Amsterdam. It will be held in English.
The seminar will be carried out within the framework of the Development Policy Review Network (DPRN) and is part of the Raising Tax Revenues process
The seminar serves as a forum for policy makers, academics and staff from development organisations to meet and discuss the topic from different perspectives, and to exchange information and experience. The content of the seminar is based on three discussion papers:
1. Paper 1 reviews the ability of developing countries to effectively implement tax policies and increase tax revenues is comprised by aid conditionality international opportunities for tax evasion and avoidance, trade agreements, and other international factors.
2. Paper 2 reviews how to address domestic constraints, such as limited expertise of local NGOs for advocacy on and monitoring of tax policies, capacity constraints of revenue authorities, and problems regarding tax compliance..
3. Paper 3 analyses the relationship between external aid and taxation, discusses tax structures in developing countries and reviews donor policies to support tax reform.
After a plenary session, these papers will be presented and discussed in three separate working groups. The papers and a more detailed agenda will be send to all invitees well in advance, allowing the sessions at the seminar to focus on the active discussion of concrete recommendations and tools for policy makers.
Your participation will be very valuable in order to create an active and informed policy dialogue on the subject. Please confirm your participation before the 6th of November 2009.
For further information or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone or e-mail: Andrina Sol, telephone: 0031 30 2361500, e-mail: a.sol (at), or Maaike Kokke, telephone: 0031 20 6391291, e-mail: m.kokke (at)"
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