2011 Research Workshop: Call for Papers

Invitation to Participate in a Workshop on
Essex University, 5th and 6th July 2011
The 2011 research workshop co-organised by the Association for Accountancy & Business Affairs i and the Tax Justice Network,ii will explore connections between debt, tax justice and human rights. The themes that might be explored within this remit are wide, potentially including issues such as how debt impacts on public finances; how tax avoidance infringes human rights; why tax revenues are more sustainable as a source of public finance than debt; and how tax system design can contribute to delivery of tangible human rights.
Other related themes are likely to emerge as the workshop programme develops.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers, academics, journalists, policy staff of civil society organisations, consultants and professionals, elected politicians and/or their researchers, and government or international organisation officials to explore issues on these and related themes. The purpose of the workshop is to facilitate research through open-minded debate and discussion, and to generate ideas and proposals to inform and shape the political initiatives and campaigns already under way.
There will be a small charge for attendance at the Workshop. Participants are usually expected to finance their own travel although applications from students and others with limited means for bursary support will be considered. Accommodation at Essex University will be available at modest cost.
Anyone interested in participating should provide details of the nature of their interest, affiliations and any relevant research or publications to:
John Christensen, Tax Justice Network International Secretariat, john(at)taxjustice.net
Offers of papers are especially welcome and early submission is encouraged since applicants have exceeded available spaces in recent years. Any submissions will be actively considered by the organising committee which comprises:
• John Christensen (Tax Justice Network)
• Jo Marie Griesgraber (New Rules for Global Finance)
• Prem Sikka (Essex University)
• Richard Murphy (Tax Research LLP)
• Ronen Palan (Birmingham University)
• Sol Picciotto (Lancaster University)
i http://www.aabaglobal.org/
ii http://www.taxjustice.net/cms/front_content.php?idcat=2
here bit is shown that it is unlawful to pay any kind of tax until a state of emergency is declared for the environmernjt - is this material acceptable for inclusion in your research work shop ?
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