Tax Justice Network - a Guide for New Members

This guide is intended to help new and potential members of Tax Justice Network (TJN). It takes the form of mostly frequently asked questions, and the answers link through to sources which will hopefully provide sufficient details for most purposes.
What core themes does TJN work on?
TJN is an open and democratic network dedicated to promoting tax justice. The core themes of our work are clearly explained on this page of our website. Our mission statement can be downloaded in a wide variety of languages here.
Who can be a member of TJN?
Membership of TJN is open to any organisation or person who shares the concerns and supports the stated aims of our Declaration. TJN does not allow political parties to become members, and Article 5 of our Constitution allows for the exclusion of organisations and individuals who are known to be racist or in any way hostile to the ethos of democratic pluralism.
Who are the existing members of TJN?
Membership of TJN can be at national level through our national chapters, or at the international level. Members of TJN at the international level are listed on this page of our website.
What rights does TJN membership carry?
Membership brings voting rights on TJN's general assembly - called the Tax Justice Council. The Council meets every two years and decides on all matters relating to international strategy. It also elects our global Board of Directors. Voting at the Council works on the basis of one member, one vote.
What responsibilities do members have?
At the international level TJN operates through a Belgium-registered international not-for-profit association. Membership responsibilities are laid out in the Constitution of that association.
How do prospective members apply to TJN?
An application form for international membership can be downloaded here. Once completed, the form should be sent to TJN's International Secretariat at info(at)
Membership applications are considered at the monthly meetings of TJN's global Board of Directors. Once a membership application has been agreed by the Board it requires ratification by the Tax Justice Council. Prospective members wanting advice about joining our international network should contact our International Secretariat at the following email address: info(at)
How much does membership cost?
Membership subscription fee rates for organisations vary according to their size and location. We recommend minimum annual rates on our application form, and also offer the opportunity for members to contribute higher fees if they can afford to do so.
Individual member fee rates vary according to location.
How does TJN keep in contact with its members?
In almost all instances TJN communicates via digital media, including our international, regional and national websites, our blogs, twitter, RSS feeds, our newsletter [Tax Justice Focus], and through a range of email bounce services. Members can choose to be added to our research email bounce system (Intertax); our email bounce service for people and organisations engaged in campaign and advocacy work (the 'activist' list); regional email bounce services (e.g. AfriTax); and non-English language email bounce services. The International Secretariat helps members select whichever services suit their needs.
What is the role of the Tax Justice Council?
The Tax Justice Council, which meets once every two years, is responsible for setting global strategic priorities, agreeing our budgets, electing the Directors of the global Board, appointing regional steering committees, and other responsibilities as laid out in Article 7.1 of our Constitution.
What is the role of the global Board of Directors?
The Board of Directors is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Tax Justice Council. It is assisted in this task by the International Secretariat, which is accountable to the Board. The composition and powers of the Board are laid out in Articles 10 to 18 of the Constitution.
What is the role of TJN's International Secretariat?
The International Secretariat acts on the instruction of the global Board of Directors. In addition to providing secretariat facilities to the Board, it also acts as a communication hub for the network; coordinates research, campaign and advocacy activity; organises TJN's representation at international fora; publishes regular blogs and newsletters; and organises research workshops and conferences. The priority tasks of the International Secretariat are agreed every year by the global Board and are published in the Director's Report, a recent copy of which is available here.

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