US Uncut - it has arrived!
Fascinating development.
Or at least it looks like it - we don't have any good information yet as to who the organisers are. But this looks promising. And their first action follows Johann Hari's excellent article in The Nation, and this earlier piece of ours.
Already on twitter there are US Uncut groups springing up - @nycuncut, @brooklynuncut, etc.
Let's hope it grows real legs. Via the fast-growing TJN-USA, we hope to do everything to help.
We also notice, hat tip to Jamie Stern-Weiner, that the Daily Kos has shown that such a campaign, or a campaign on tax havens, might well have legs. Here's a section of an email we received:
Or at least it looks like it - we don't have any good information yet as to who the organisers are. But this looks promising. And their first action follows Johann Hari's excellent article in The Nation, and this earlier piece of ours.
Already on twitter there are US Uncut groups springing up - @nycuncut, @brooklynuncut, etc.
Let's hope it grows real legs. Via the fast-growing TJN-USA, we hope to do everything to help.
We also notice, hat tip to Jamie Stern-Weiner, that the Daily Kos has shown that such a campaign, or a campaign on tax havens, might well have legs. Here's a section of an email we received:
Here's the interview on Daily Kos (about Nicholas Shaxson's book Treasure Islands.)There clearly is an appetite in the US for this stuff. Now, we hope, citizens can start to get organised. There really is a progressive alternative to the Tea Party here.
The thing to note about it, apart from the positive reception in the comments, is that it was both 'Rescued' and featured on the 'Recommended list'. The first of these means that it was selected ('rescued') as a good post and linked to on the front page, to give it greater attention. The second means that it was very popular among users of the site. Daily Kos has a system whereby if you like an article you 'recommend' it by pressing a button. The articles that receive the most recommends are then featured on the front page in the 'Recommended' list, as this one was.
What this shows is that the Daily Kos audience - the activist left-liberal wing of the Democratic base - is very interested in the arguments you're making. Which suggests to me that, again, this campaign has some serious legs.

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Decide for yourself if taking civic steps can raise the quality of life for all through the accountability of the few. THE TAX HAVEN ABOLITION HAS BEGUN!
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