This is a Tax Justice Network event, in association with the Finnish non-governmental organisation KEPA, and the government of Finland.
Transfer Pricing: Fairness in Taxing Multinationals and Extractive Industries
October 3rd & 4th 2013 - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
NB This is a draft programme, which will continue to be updated as planning progresses.
Day 1 - Thursday October 3
Opening Remarks
Mr Harry Kitillya : Commissioner General of Government of Tanzania
Moses Kulaba : Executive Secretary of Agenda Participation 2000
John Christensen : Director, Tax Justice Network
Moderator: tbc
Panel on Case Studies on Transfer Pricing
Case Study : Associated British FoodsPamela Chisanga : Action Aid Zambia, Country Director
View from Tanzanian Parliament Accounts CommitteeHon. Zitto Kabwe
10.30 – 10.45
Coffee Break
Panel on Transfer Pricing in BRICS Countries
South African Transfer Pricing System:Gerdi Van der Westhuysen : South African Revenue Service, Transfer Pricing Unit
Practical nature of South African Transfer Pricing System:Thembinkosi Dlamani: Oxfam South Africa
Brazilian Transfer PricingMarcos Valadao: Brazilian Ministry of Finance
Practical Nature of the Brazlian Transfer Pricing SystemDao Real Pereira dos Santos : Instituteo Justica Fiscal
Moderator - tbc
Panel on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
Base Erosion and Profit Shitfing: the OECD Approach, and other AlternativesLee Corrick : OECD
Evaluation of the OECD Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, and Comparison with Alternatives, especially Unitary Taxation, from the Perpective of Developing Countries.
Prof Sol Picciotto : Professor Emeritus at Lancaster University, Senior Advisor, TJN
Coffee Break
Panel on Corporate Transparency and Accountability
Country-by-Country Reporting with a Combined ReportKrishen Mehta : Senior Adviser Tax Justice Network
Case study of Country-by-Country Reporting in KenyaAne Foged : Tax Justice Network - Africa
Project by Project Reporting in TanzaniaSilas Olan'g : Revenue Watch Institute, Tanzania
Transparency in Extractive Industry Taxation in AfricaSpeaker (tbc)
Moderator (tbc)
Day 2 - Friday October 4
9.00 – 11.00 Panel on Extractive Industries
Ghana's Mineral Taxation RegimeTetteh Hormeku : TWN Africa
Dominican Republic on Extractive Industry TaxationWanda Montero: Dominican Republic Internal Revenue Authority
Tanzania's Extractive Industry TaxationHon Tindu Lissu, MP
Tanzania's Extractive Industries Tax Incentives (tbc)
Moderator - tbc
Coffee Break
Panel on Transfer Pricing in East Africa
Perspective on Transfer Pricing from Tanzanian Revenue AuthorityCharles Bajungu : Tanzania Revenue Authority
Rwandan Transfer Pricing Case StudyDr Attiya Waris : University of Nairobi
Ugandan Transfer Pricing Case StudyNalukwago Milly Isongoma : Uganda Revenue Authority
Application of Unitary Taxation in the East African CommunityErica Siu : New Rules for Global Finance
Transfer Pricing in North Africa
Slim Gargouri : Chartered Accountant & Tax Journalist
Panel on Practical Options for Transfer Pricing in Developing CountriesMichael Durst : Senior Advisor to TJN, formerly US Revenue Authority official
- opportunities presented by OECD BEPS for developing countries
- income-shifting and risk-shifting rules
- fixed margins
- safe harbours
- transparent Advance Pricing Agreements
- sectorial/regional application of unitary taxation
Joyce Addae-Kumi : Ghana Revenue Authority
Lincoln Marais : ATAF Secretariat
Moderator tbc
15.30-15.45 Coffee Break
Discussion and Formation of Follow Up Process
Matti Kohenen : Tax Justice Network
Moses Kulaba : Agenda Participation 2000
- Two working groups
- Research Priorities
- Stakeholder Network
Summary of the proceedings from Rapporteur:Adrienne Margolis : Lawyers 4 Better Business
Closing Remarks
Trine Hveem : Country Director, Norwegian Church Aid
Masud Hossain : Country Director, KEPA Tanzania
Alivin Mosioma : Director, Tax Justice Network - Africa
Update: for information on Transfer Pricing see