Links Dec 16
Giving with one hand and taking with the other - Europe's role in tax-related capital flight from developing countries Eurodad
See also Eurodad blog post A long way to go – EU failing to fight tax dodging
Benelux Summit Centers On EU Savings Tax Directive Tax-News
On Luxembourg's position, see also our recent blog: Austria, Luxembourg continue to defend dirty money, undermine EU
Swiss government works toward transparency swissinfo
Reports that "tax offences would now count as a predicate offence for money laundering" but, "if tax fraud exceeding CHF200,000 ($225,000) per tax period had been committed, and included the use of forged documents." For more swissinfo news see: Major lender says it has ‘no US tax cheats’ , Cantonal banks opt in to US tax deal , Swiss gold trade to be more transparent
The U.S. as Tax Haven? Aiding Developing Countries by Revoking the Revenue Rule Social Science Research Network
See also: Swiss banker in eye of U.S. tax evasion storm to face court Reuters, and 12 Agreements Signed to Help U.S. Fight Offshore Evasion: Taxes Bloomberg Businessweek
Apple, Google And Facebook Have Nothing To Fear From Changes To The Irish Company Tax System Forbes
See also: Ireland is no tax haven, it's just competitive - report Venture Capital Post, echoes a familiar theme.
Following the Murky Trail Left by Diamonds and Cash The New York Times
United Arab Emirates news: Continued growth in currency trading, private banking and remittances Financial Secrecy Media Monitor
Iceland jails former Kaupthing bank bosses BBC
See also Eurodad blog post A long way to go – EU failing to fight tax dodging
Benelux Summit Centers On EU Savings Tax Directive Tax-News
On Luxembourg's position, see also our recent blog: Austria, Luxembourg continue to defend dirty money, undermine EU
Swiss government works toward transparency swissinfo
Reports that "tax offences would now count as a predicate offence for money laundering" but, "if tax fraud exceeding CHF200,000 ($225,000) per tax period had been committed, and included the use of forged documents." For more swissinfo news see: Major lender says it has ‘no US tax cheats’ , Cantonal banks opt in to US tax deal , Swiss gold trade to be more transparent
The U.S. as Tax Haven? Aiding Developing Countries by Revoking the Revenue Rule Social Science Research Network
See also: Swiss banker in eye of U.S. tax evasion storm to face court Reuters, and 12 Agreements Signed to Help U.S. Fight Offshore Evasion: Taxes Bloomberg Businessweek
Apple, Google And Facebook Have Nothing To Fear From Changes To The Irish Company Tax System Forbes
See also: Ireland is no tax haven, it's just competitive - report Venture Capital Post, echoes a familiar theme.
Following the Murky Trail Left by Diamonds and Cash The New York Times
United Arab Emirates news: Continued growth in currency trading, private banking and remittances Financial Secrecy Media Monitor
Iceland jails former Kaupthing bank bosses BBC

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