Links - June 19
The G8 summit - Reasons to be cheerful The Economist
"After the Lough Erne summit, the NGOs have a bit more wind in their sails, and those who hold or move black money have another reason to believe that life for them will only get harder." See TJN comment here.
The beginning of the end of corporate secrecy? G8 strikes a blow against corruption – but still more to do Global Witness
Governments to share tax records ICIJ
U.S.: Senator Levin statement on G8 declaration on offshore tax abuse and corporate transparency
EU directive places Cayman funds at a competitive disadvantage CayCompass
On European demands that the funds and the fund manager have to be based in the same country. The majority of Cayman-based alternative investment funds, such as private equity or hedge funds, are managed from the US.
South Korea: Gov't to get tougher on offshore tax evasion Yonhap News Agency
Singapore to Virgin Islands: India begins global black money crackdown First Post
ICIJ probe: List of Indians in tax havens Indian Express
See also: With 184 addresses, Mumbai leads the nation in haul Business Standard and India approaches tax havens on black money expose Kashmir Times
EU tax chief urges Swiss to end bank secrecy Reuters
Swiss Parliament Pushes Back on U.S. Banks Deal The Wall Street Journal
The "African laundry" of BNP goes back to Geneva Huffington Post (In French)
Australia’s Tax Office Has ‘Declared War’ On Dodgy High-Profile Lawyers and Accountants Business Insider
Italy: Economy minister vows to continue war on tax dodgers adn kronos
Multinationals face OECD pressure over their tax evasion and avoidance Irish Examiner
U.S. Companies Lobbying Furiously To Save Corporate Tax Loopholes: Study Huffington Post
How tax havens stole your money CNN
Picardo challenges Spain on tax evasion Gibralter Chronicle
Yet more on the theme of We are not a tax haven
The Dolce And Gabbana Verdict Is Nigh Vogue
"After the Lough Erne summit, the NGOs have a bit more wind in their sails, and those who hold or move black money have another reason to believe that life for them will only get harder." See TJN comment here.
The beginning of the end of corporate secrecy? G8 strikes a blow against corruption – but still more to do Global Witness
Governments to share tax records ICIJ
U.S.: Senator Levin statement on G8 declaration on offshore tax abuse and corporate transparency
EU directive places Cayman funds at a competitive disadvantage CayCompass
On European demands that the funds and the fund manager have to be based in the same country. The majority of Cayman-based alternative investment funds, such as private equity or hedge funds, are managed from the US.
South Korea: Gov't to get tougher on offshore tax evasion Yonhap News Agency
Singapore to Virgin Islands: India begins global black money crackdown First Post
ICIJ probe: List of Indians in tax havens Indian Express
See also: With 184 addresses, Mumbai leads the nation in haul Business Standard and India approaches tax havens on black money expose Kashmir Times
EU tax chief urges Swiss to end bank secrecy Reuters
Swiss Parliament Pushes Back on U.S. Banks Deal The Wall Street Journal
The "African laundry" of BNP goes back to Geneva Huffington Post (In French)
Australia’s Tax Office Has ‘Declared War’ On Dodgy High-Profile Lawyers and Accountants Business Insider
Italy: Economy minister vows to continue war on tax dodgers adn kronos
Multinationals face OECD pressure over their tax evasion and avoidance Irish Examiner
U.S. Companies Lobbying Furiously To Save Corporate Tax Loopholes: Study Huffington Post
How tax havens stole your money CNN
Picardo challenges Spain on tax evasion Gibralter Chronicle
Yet more on the theme of We are not a tax haven
The Dolce And Gabbana Verdict Is Nigh Vogue

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