Tuesday, April 30, 2013

UK's NPower: pay your taxes

The UK's Sun newspaper has an article entitled Watt? No Tax? Npower avoids paying £108m to HMRC by funnelling massive sum to German owners via Malta.

As the Sun summarises:
"Energy giant npower has dodged paying up to £108 million in UK corporation tax in the past four years — by funnelling cash to Malta.
. . .
[The revelations] will infuriate the company’s near seven million customers who are receiving record bills."
TJN's Richard Murphy helped the Sun with this story, and he's followed up with a series of blogs:

NPower’s defence for tax avoidance is ridiculous: why can’t they just tell us what they’re doing?

Why Npower’s tax avoidance matters

Npower is avoiding tax despite all their claims to the contrary

And now the campaign organisation 38 Degrees have a petition entitled NPower: Pay your fair share.

Please sign it, and pass it on.


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