Links Dec 17
Tax evasion and avoidance finally came under scrutiny this year The Guardian
Christian Aid's Alex Prats comments "Despite a number of encouraging breakthroughs on tax dodging in 2013, much work lies ahead if tax justice is to become a reality".
Insight: The Luxembourg tax break that helps firms profit from loss Reuters
See also: Luxembourg news: Foreign minister asks for “solidarity” from Germany; PM says “tax-friendly” environment to continue Financial Secrecy Media Monitor
Hamstrung SFO not capable of holding bankers to account The Conversation
Prem Sikka comments on the lack within UK institutional structures in combating fraud
The Financial Crisis: Why Have No High-Level Executives Been Prosecuted? The New York Review of Books
Little Action - Global and European Initiatives Against Tax Evasion and Money Laundering TJN Germany Blog (In German)
On the most recent issue of the WEED Newsletter
Brussels action on ‘letterbox’companies could spelltrouble for Malta Malta Independent
Vodafone, target of protesters, endorses tax transparency Financial Times (paywall).
Now walk the walk - and stop dodging tax. A PWC official is quoted on CbC reporting: “In the next four or five years, I think we will see it come in. There is such a head of steam behind it.”
Ex-UBS Banker Weil Faces Judge as Deal on Tax-Evasion Seen Bloomberg Businessweek
The Rumored Chase-Madoff Settlement Is Another Bad Joke Rolling Stone / Taibblog
Government must promote tax justice by abolishing tax heavens: The Network Business Recorder
Armenia Seeks Assistance of Cyprus, Interpol, in Offshore Scandal hetq
Avi-Yonah: Reflections on the Baucus International Tax Reform Proposal TaxProf / Social Science Research Network
Time to worry about Cayman Islands accounts? Palm Beach Daily News
How The Super-Rich Ducked $100 Billion In Estate Taxes Since 2000 ThinkProgress
Spain’s princess to be investigated for tax fraud DAWN
Christian Aid's Alex Prats comments "Despite a number of encouraging breakthroughs on tax dodging in 2013, much work lies ahead if tax justice is to become a reality".
Insight: The Luxembourg tax break that helps firms profit from loss Reuters
See also: Luxembourg news: Foreign minister asks for “solidarity” from Germany; PM says “tax-friendly” environment to continue Financial Secrecy Media Monitor
Hamstrung SFO not capable of holding bankers to account The Conversation
Prem Sikka comments on the lack within UK institutional structures in combating fraud
The Financial Crisis: Why Have No High-Level Executives Been Prosecuted? The New York Review of Books
Little Action - Global and European Initiatives Against Tax Evasion and Money Laundering TJN Germany Blog (In German)
On the most recent issue of the WEED Newsletter
Brussels action on ‘letterbox’companies could spelltrouble for Malta Malta Independent
Vodafone, target of protesters, endorses tax transparency Financial Times (paywall).
Now walk the walk - and stop dodging tax. A PWC official is quoted on CbC reporting: “In the next four or five years, I think we will see it come in. There is such a head of steam behind it.”
Ex-UBS Banker Weil Faces Judge as Deal on Tax-Evasion Seen Bloomberg Businessweek
The Rumored Chase-Madoff Settlement Is Another Bad Joke Rolling Stone / Taibblog
Government must promote tax justice by abolishing tax heavens: The Network Business Recorder
Armenia Seeks Assistance of Cyprus, Interpol, in Offshore Scandal hetq
Avi-Yonah: Reflections on the Baucus International Tax Reform Proposal TaxProf / Social Science Research Network
Time to worry about Cayman Islands accounts? Palm Beach Daily News
How The Super-Rich Ducked $100 Billion In Estate Taxes Since 2000 ThinkProgress
Spain’s princess to be investigated for tax fraud DAWN

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